Monde de Stars

10 photos très coquines de Polina, la candiate d'Occupation Double dont tout le monde parle


Monde de Stars

Monde de Stars

Polina est assurément la candidate d'Occupation Double dont on parle le plus, dimanche soir, alors qu'elle a eu une importante et déchirante décision à prendre. C'est en effet elle qui a dû trancher pour décider qui de Mathieu ou Dragos allait quitter l'aventure, en ce deuxième dimanche d'élimination d'OD Afrique du Sud.

La jeune femme a également suscité bien des réactions lors du party, en affirmant à Karl qu'elle ne portait pas de culotte et qu'elle avait très envie de frencher. C'est d'ailleurs ce qu'elle a fait quelques secondes plus tard.

Polina est l'une des plus belles candidates de l'édition 2019 d'Occupation Double et son compte Instagram regorge de photos les plus sexy les unes que les autres. On s'et dit qu'on vous ferait un petit top-10.

Voici donc dix photos tirées de son compte Instagram et publiées au cours des derniers mois:

« There is infinite beauty and strength in vulnerable femininity ? #TakeControl
?: @figuranua »

« Won’t let you #TakeControl ?
We are all in control of our own destiny no matter what cards ♦️ we are handed or who tries to hold us back ...
?: ?: @nadiahoecklin »

« I honestly don’t know how to caption this one ??‍♀️ I just love this shot ??
Ideas, anyone? ??
?: @mcloutierphtgr »

« One word for y’all: Summer ☀️?
Can’t wait to go back to #Portugal#Algarve ? »

« Hello world! ? I feel happier and more confident in myself than I have in years ??? #GrowthMindset#MentalHealthAwareness
I used to suffer from really bad anxiety DAILY for years and I went through a very dark, long period of being really psychologically unwell in my life which pretty much lasted a number of years. 
For so long I had such a hard time figuring out who I was and how to have the courage and the strength to go after my dreams. Although I am over-simplifying the condition, I was overall just extremely lost and scared for a long time even AFTER I went after my dreams because the first 3 or so years were full of failures, rejections and financial struggles. 
But I never gave up on myself. Even in my worst moments, I believed deep down that I would find my light and climb out of the pit of darkness so long as I kept on going and really just kept knocking on every door I could. I was always VERY ambitious and it was not until I was able to find my balance/equilibrium between work and my relationships (relationship with myself, with my friends, my family) that I was able to gain control of my mental and begin building my happiness from within. As cheesy as it sounds, YOU truly have to learn to love yourself and to nurture yourself. Not in a narcissistic or egotistical way, but in a very healthy self-reliant and stabilizing kind of way. Be kind to yourself and be kind to the people around you and never stop going after the things you love. And hard work and determination are at the core of my philosophy, of course. But it’s important to also remember to give yourself a break every now and then to celebrate the small victories along the way! And there is no such thing as true failure unless you quit. The people who fail are the ones who stop trying. Rising up against rejection and maintaining a positive mindset only builds our strength of character! ????
#Growth #NeverGiveUp #InspireToday »


DERNIÈRE HEURE: Michaël d'Occupation Double intente une poursuite de 100 000 $ pour atteinte à sa réputation

En peine d'amour, Brandon Prust envoie un cri du coeur à Maripier Morin sur Instagram

10 photos très coquines de Claudie, la candidate exhibitionniste d'Occupation Double

Maude d'Occupation Double de retour à l'hôpital après avoir subi un ACV

Source: Instagram Polina Grace